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For the fifth year in a row Oak Ridge High School decathletes took home the first-place El Dorado County Academic Decathlon title with Ponderosa High School coming in second.

With a 30-plus-year history of academic competition in El Dorado County students, coaches and El Dorado County Office of Education staff did not let the adversity of 2020 stand in the way of participating in the 2021 competition. And so, the 2021 academic decathlon awards were presented to students and teams in a virtual ceremony Feb. 10.

California State Superintendent of Public Education Tony Thurmond gave remarks in a pre-recorded message at the top of the ceremony thanking students for the extra efforts they put into this “most important event.”

El Dorado County Superintendent of Schools Dr. Ed Manansala also thanked those involved. “I am proud of the commitment and dedication of the decathletes and their coaches competing here today,” Manansala said. “I would also like to acknowledge the many EDCOE team members, coaches and community volunteers involved. This is truly a community event celebrating the very best of education in El Dorado County.”

Manansala then introduced the first presenter of the evening, El Dorado County Sheriff John D’Agostini, who praised the students for their efforts. “I want to absolutely congratulate the decathletes for overcoming what you have to be here today. It is an honor to present these [medals] to you.” He announced the medalists in the categories of social science and science.

El Dorado Union High School District Board Clerk Lori Veerkamp recognized the challenges the students overcame to be there before awarding medals in mathematics and music. “I know this year has been a very trying, very challenging year. But all of you have stepped forward and done what you always do and shined and done your best.”

El Dorado County District Attorney Vern Pierson also praised the decathletes’ achievements, saying, “We appreciate you so much — not only your academic achievement but your achievements at a time of such adversity. We really do.” Pierson awarded medals in economics and language/literature.

Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services El Dorado Union High School District Chris Moore was the next presenter who spoke of the inspirational nature of his connection to the event. “To all the students out there, I want to let you know you’re really an inspiration to me,” he shared. “Your desire to learn more and go beyond just class learning and pursue a thematic based academic competition actually inspired me to start learning more about history during this pandemic.” In the fashion of a play-by-play announcer, Moore revealed the medalists in the art and interview categories.

EDCOE Communications Director Dina Gentry announced the medalists in the essay category. Ponderosa student Aaris Wood gave a reading of the highest-scoring essay, one he wrote on the topic of Mikhail Gorbachev’s 1988 address to the UN General Assembly regarding the global outlook of socialism.

El Dorado County Superior Court Judge Dylan Sullivan presented the speech medalists. She reflected on what living through this time might mean to the students in the future. “Because you have experienced this pandemic when you are adults and when you are leading the world you are going to recognize that this part of your experience will help you.”

Anica Terbijhe of Union Mine recited her speech on the subject of being a twin, which earned her the high-scoring speech medal.

Dr. Manansala presented the alternate medals, overall high scores and overall team winners before he closed the evening extolling the decathletes’ hard work and perseverance. “We are inspired by all you have done this year in some of the most incredibly challenging times.”

The full list of Academic Decathlon medalists appears below. Decathletes will receive their physical medals at a later date.

Social Science


Bronze: Kristofer Mickelson, Oak Ridge

Silver: Jackson Barnes, El Dorado

Gold: Timothy Studebaker, Oak Ridge


Bronze: Aiden Jahangiri, Oak Ridge

Silver: Cole Johnson, Oak Ridge

Gold: Saumya Chandra, Oak Ridge


Bronze: Nathan Fichtner, Ponderosa

Silver: Ryleigh Praker, Union Mine

Silver: Aleena Rafiq, Oak Ridge

Gold: Aaris Wood, Ponderosa



Bronze: Shivani Padiyar, Ponderosa

Silver: Kristofer Mickelson, Oak Ridge

Gold: Timothy Studebaker, Oak Ridge


Bronze: Aiden Jahangiri, Oak Ridge

Silver: Cole Johnson, Oak Ridge

Gold: Saumya Chandra, Oak Ridge


Bronze: Aaris Wood, Ponderosa

Silver: Aleena Rafiq, Oak Ridge

Gold: Adam Hurst, Oak Ridge



Bronze: Cory Rodriguez-Meador, Ponderosa

Silver: Aiko Rodriguez-Meador, Ponderosa

Gold: Timothy Studebaker, Oak Ridge


Bronze: Cole Johnson, Oak Ridge

Silver: Aiden Jahangiri, Oak Ridge

Gold: Saumya Chandra, Oak Ridge


Bronze: Aaris Wood, Ponderosa

Silver: Aleena Rafiq, Oak Ridge

Gold: Karan Derebail, Ponderosa



Bronze: Shivani Padiyar, Ponderosa

Silver: Kristofer Mickelson, Oak Ridge

Silver: Jackson Barnes, El Dorado

Gold: Timothy Studebaker, Oak Ridge


Bronze: Cole Johnson, Oak Ridge

Silver: Aiden Jahangiri, Oak Ridge

Gold: Saumya Chandra, Oak Ridge


Bronze: Karan Derebail, Ponderosa

Silver: Ryleigh Praker, Union Mine

Gold: Aaris Wood, Ponderosa



Bronze: Shivani Padiyar, Ponderosa

Silver: Jackson Barnes, El Dorado

Gold: Timothy Studebaker, Oak Ridge


Bronze: Cole Johnson, Oak Ridge

Silver: Aiden Jahangiri, Oak Ridge

Gold: Saumya Chandra, Oak Ridge


Bronze: Nathan Fichtner, Ponderosa

Silver: Adam Hurst, Oak Ridge

Gold: Aaris Wood, Ponderosa



Bronze: Jackson Barnes, El Dorado

Silver: Shivani Padiyar, Ponderosa

Gold: Timothy Studebaker, Oak Ridge


Bronze: Aiden Jahangiri, Oak Ridge

Silver: Cole Johnson, Oak Ridge

Gold: Saumya Chandra, Oak Ridge


Bronze: Karan Derebail, Ponderosa

Bronze: Ryleigh Praker, Union Mine

Silver: Aleena Rafiq, Oak Ridge

Gold: Aaris Wood, Ponderosa



Bronze: Jackson Barnes, El Dorado

Silver: Shivani Padiyar, Ponderosa

Gold: Timothy Studebaker, Oak Ridge


Bronze: Alyssa Seeley, Ponderosa

Silver: Saumya Chandra, Oak Ridge

Gold: Cole Johnson, Oak Ridge


Bronze: Nathan Fichtner, Ponderosa

Silver: Karan Derebail, Ponderosa

Gold: Aaris Wood, Ponderosa

Gold: Ryleigh Praker, Union Mine



Bronze: Jackson Barnes, El Dorado

Silver: Shivani Padiyar, Ponderosa

Gold: Timothy Studebaker, Oak Ridge


Bronze: Lillian Ross, Ponderosa

Silver: Nicholas Turner-Miller, El Dorado

Silver: Kathryn Sarlatte, El Dorado

Gold: Ariana Terbijhe, Union Mine


Bronze: Lucas Johnston, El Dorado

Bronze: Anirvin Bommaraju, Oak Ridge

Silver: Nathan Fichtner, Ponderosa

Gold: Adam Hurst, Oak Ridge



Bronze: Shivani Padiyar, Ponderosa

Silver: Jackson Barnes, El Dorado

Gold: Timothy Studebaker, Oak Ridge


Bronze: Alyssa Seeley, Ponderosa

Silver: Cole Johnson, Oak Ridge

Gold: Saumya Chandra, Oak Ridge


Bronze: Ryleigh Praker, Union Mine

Silver: Adam Hurst, Oak Ridge

Gold: Aaris Wood, Ponderosa

Highest Scoring Essay – El Dorado County

Aaris Wood, Ponderosa



Bronze: Kristofer Mickelson, Oak Ridge

Silver: Aiko Rodriguez-Meador, Ponderosa

Gold: Timothy Studebaker, Oak Ridge


Bronze: Melody Gonzalez, Ponderosa

Silver: Aiden Jahangiri, Oak Ridge

Gold: Anica Terbijhe, Union Mine


Bronze: Aleena Rafiq, Oak Ridge

Silver: Ryleigh Praker, Union Mine

Gold: Nathan Fichtner, Ponderosa

High Scoring Speech

Anica Terbijhe, Union Mine

Overall Score 8-Event Alternate

Bronze: Elise Wu, Oak Ridge

Silver: William Smith, Oak Ridge

Gold: Valerie Xu, Oak Ridge

Highest Scoring 10-Event Alternate

Zachary Hilliker, Ponderosa

Individual Highest Scores

Bronze: Aleena Rafiq, Oak Ridge

Silver: Ryleigh Praker, Union Mine

Gold: Aaris Wood, Ponderosa

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