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The assassination of Robert F. Kennedy is one of the most notorious political assassinations in the history of the United States and the killer is being considered for release without any opposition or representation on behalf of the citizens of California. The absence of the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office is disgraceful and it’s an abrogation of the responsibilities of their elected District Attorney.


The failure of the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office representing victims and the People of the State of California at parole hearings is a deviation from historical precedent. Over the last 50 years in every county in California including Los Angeles, District Attorney Offices routinely appear at parole hearings to provide information to the parole board, represent victims, and help protect the public There is no other person at parole hearings that has more access to the information of the committing crime than the district attorney does.


Even the San Francisco County District Attorney’s Office, considered by many to be the most progressive DAs Office in the state, appears at parole hearings 90% of the time. Robert Kennedy once said “Every American has the duty to obey the law and the right to expect that the law will be enforced.” Robert F. Kennedy was a visionary Attorney General and a historic giant. Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon is not only failing to enforce the law, he cannot even bother to show up.