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🧑 February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month (TDVAM)! 🧑 This year’s theme is β€œRespect That!” – a powerful message created by the love is respect Youth Council, highlighting the importance of treating partners with dignity and respect. 🌟
Teen dating violence can take many forms: physical, emotional, sexual, or digital abuse. Sadly, young people face these challenges at alarming rates.

🚨 Over 70% of women & 60% of men first experience intimate partner violence before the age of 25.
🚨 1 in 4 women experienced intimate partner violence before 18
🚨 1 in 3 experience cyber dating abuse

Early education on healthy relationships and consent is key to prevention!

πŸ’¬ Parents, caregivers, & educators, you play a huge role! Model healthy relationships and ask for consent, both online and offline. Let’s work together to make a difference! πŸ’ͺ

πŸ“ž If you are a teen being abused call the National Teen Dating Helpline at 1-866-331-9474

#RespectThat #TDVAM #TeenDatingViolenceAwareness #TDVAM2025