DA Vern Pierson asks Governor to Veto Bill that Threatens Public Safety and Victims’ Rights
California Assembly Bill 3234 is a threat to public safety and victim's rights. It has been rushed through the legislative process without allowing for public comment or careful consideration. "The District Attorney's Office has long supported diversion and other...
To prevent mass shootings, California should rely on science, not rhetoric
The science-based approach in AB 1722 can set us on the path of preventing mass shootings. That would be so much better than using this senseless loss of life as another political talking point.
Hard truths about deinstitutionalization, then and now
Ronald Reagan and Jerry Brown, two of the most consequential governors ever in California, led the state during two of the most well intended but poorly executed movements in this state’s history. The first was the de-institutionalization of the mentally ill. The second resulted in fewer prison inmates, and significant increases in homelessness and untreated mental illness.
Science has identified common threads in school shootings
Vern Pierson, El Dorado County District Attorney: The problem of mass shootings is not simple. An actual solution will not be simple either, but we can mitigate the threat by analyzing the commonality in mass shooters.
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Genetic Genealogy – Ricky Davis
Watch this video to learn about the Ricky Davis case and Generic Genealogy
Virtual Crime Scene / Drone Technology
Learn about sUAS (drones) and the Virtual Crime Scene