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On May 2, 2024, an El Dorado County jury found Defendant Noe Rafael Palomar guilty of Resisting, Delaying or Obstructing a Peace Officer.

On November 20, 2023, El Dorado County Sheriff’s deputies were dispatched to Palomar’s residence in Diamond Springs on the report of a battery. When they arrived, they did not locate Palomar, but they spoke with Palomar’s sister, who informed them Palomar had been drinking and threatening her and that she was afraid of him. She asked the deputies to check the home and the surrounding area to ensure that Palomar was no longer in the area. The deputies checked, and not finding Palomar, informed his sister how to obtain a restraining order before leaving the residence.

About one minute later, the deputies were dispatched back to the residence on the report that Palomar was back and threatening his sister. When the deputies arrived, they observed Palomar through the residence’s front window. Palomar appeared angry and intoxicated. The deputies gained entrance to the residence. Once the deputies were inside, Palomar moved towards the kitchen, where potential weapons were located. One deputy followed Palomar to the kitchen, finding Palomar inside taking a fighting stance toward him. Palomar’s right hand was concealed behind his hip. The deputy believed Palomar may be concealing a weapon, so he commanded Palomar to show him his hands. Palomar refused multiple commands and began advancing toward him, still in a fighting stance and concealing his right hand. The deputy drew his service weapon and commanded Palomar to stop advancing toward him and to show his hands. Palomar stopped advancing and placed both hands behind his back. At that time, the second deputy was able to place Palomar under arrest.

The trial was conducted in Department 1 of the El Dorado Superior Court before the Honorable Judge Ashworth. Sentencing is scheduled for May 13, 2024, at 11:30 a.m. in Department 1 of the El Dorado Superior Court.

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