Tanner Seals sentenced for the murder of Helen McKinney
In December 2018, Tanner Seals brutally murdered Helen McKinney (formerly Helen Hoover) in her home. Ms. McKinney’s family became concerned when she stopped responding to their calls and text messages. They had last seen her on Thanksgiving. When a family member went...
Early Release of 76,000 Inmates
41 Elected District Attorneys Challenge Early Release of 76,000 State Prison Inmates. El Dorado County District Attorney Vern Pierson announced today that he and 40 elected District Attorneys across California, have filed a petition with the Secretary of the...
An El Dorado County judge sentenced an impaired driver who caused the deaths of two persons in a vehicle collision to life in state prison following a guilty plea to Penal Code section 187, murder in the second degree, Vehicle Code section 191.5 (a), gross vehicular...
Known only as Jane Doe for four decades, Rebecca Dinkel is finally returned to her family
PRESS RELEASE Known only as Jane Doe for four decades, Rebecca Dinkel is finally returned to her family In 1974, thirty-seven-year-old Nancy Webster was at a cafe with her nineteen-year-old daughter, Rebecca Dinkel, in the Garden Valley area of El Dorado County. The...
Two Separate Decades-Old Murder Cases Solved Using Genetic Genealogy
PRESS RELEASE Solved Using Genetic Genealogy Two Separate Decades-Old Murder Cases Solved Using Genetic Genealogy Twenty-seven year old Brynn Rainey was killed in 1977. Her body was found in a shallow grave by passing horseback riders near Stateline Stables in South...
Community Leaders, Law Enforcement Officials Speak Out Against Downgrading Robbery Charge
A coalition of California district attorneys, police, business leaders and crime victims will hold a news conference on Tuesday, March 30 at 11:00 a.m. PST to express their strong opposition to SB 82, a bill that would downgrade some felony
robberies to misdemeanor charges of petty theft.
Homelessness Part 1
As homelessness increases in El Dorado County, we are going to have to be creative about a solution.
California District Attorneys Association blasts LA DA Gascon for ‘putting guns in the hands of criminals’
The California District Attorneys Association issue a press release today outlining continued decisions from the DA’s office that puts law-abiding citizens at risk.
Los Angeles DA George Gascón Defends Law That Puts Guns in the Hands of Criminals
LA County Gang violence up, murders up 136.4%, shootings up 261.5%, attacks on police officers up 300%
Oak Ridge wins academic decathlon title at virtual awards
For the fifth year in a row Oak Ridge High School decathletes took home the first-place El Dorado County Academic Decathlon title